Go Go Divine Trader! 0.0.6

Go Go Divine Trader?
Yeah, that is the new name for the project! I like how cheesy it sounds.

So what's changed?

A lot. Lighting, event stability, the entire map and villages, a new sphere world... And some new events thrown in the mix too. I hope you can find some time to test these things out and leave some feedback!

Are there still bugs?

Less than before, but this time you will see more visual bugs than game sequence breaking bugs. Many systems had to be reworked in this update so it may feel a little less polished.

What is next?

While I'd love to add more events, as I will slowly trickle them in, I will be cleaning up the battle system and rolling next, there is a lot of old carry over that still needs to be updated. A lot of optimization also needs to happen, technical things, like I'm very tempted to turn off Nanite support to have greater LOD control and support lower end machines with less maintenance. 

New name in the credits?

Yeah my partner has been lending some art support with some assets, allowing me to focus on fixing core gameplay.


69 days ago


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